Weekly Update #60

1 minute read

Hello and happy sunny Saturday to you! The high today is 70 degrees and the sky is cloudless! I already went for one walk but maybe I’ll go for a second. I hope it’s sunny wherever you are too.

I had some pretty good writing sessions this week. I can feel like the ending is pretty near, or at least closer than it’s been feeling recently. I think I can find an ending in around the next 10-15k words, which is just about where I wanted to be anyway. So probably two weeks more of writing before I start working on the editing. Which is great, but also kind of dreadful because the editing is going to be a long slog!

No F1 this weekend, but next weekend they will be in Melbourne, Australia. Based on the way things have been going, Red Bull will race away from everyone again. And based on the post-Jeddah results, Mercedes has big problems with their car so I guess they will just fade away into a solid third place behind Ferrari. Overall things are looking like last year only worse. But where the sport isn’t delivering in racing, it sure is delivering in scandals and drama, so we’re all set.

