Weekly Update #97

1 minute read

Happy Saturday! The weather is below freezing at night, but on the bright side there’s no rain.

The World Chess Championship is in full swing now. So far there have been five games, although I’m in the middle of watching the fifth game (which was played this morning) so I can’t give you a full update. The first four games saw two decisive games, one for each player, so we’re tied. Only the third game was boring so I think it’s been great so far.

Didn’t receive any more rejections this week! Things might not be looking up, but they’re not looking down either!

This week I didn’t end up writing very much. Instead I spent my time trying to figure out how to wrap up some of the loose ends in the story and make sure that everything is connected. The problem isn’t that I don’t have any ideas but that I have too many. There are a lot of interesting ways that the threads could be connected. It’s a bit overwhelming, but I’m just taking it one step at a time, working on one piece a day. At this point I think I could be done almost any day, but I do want to do one more read-through, so I’ll set a conservative estimate that I’ll be done before the end of next month.

Hope you have a great day!

