Weekly Update #71

1 minute read

Happy Saturday. Hope you had a good week and everything is going well for you wherever you are.

Still working on trying to find an agent. So far I’ve sent out 6 queries and received 4 rejections. Thankfully agents are pretty fast about turnaround time which is much appreciated. All of the rejections have been form letters which based on my research is basically expected. Despite the bad news, I still believe that I’ve produced a great book and that eventually I’ll find someone to represent it.

But I can’t spend all of my time searching for agents. After all, I’m a writer, not an agent-querier. I continued onwards with Part 2 of the series. Right now I’m at 7k words. I should probably be a bit further, but the first couple of days I only wrote 500 words instead of 1000 while I was getting back into the swing of things. I spent a month editing Part 1 so I had to re-grease all of my mental gears.

My plan for this week is to continue on with both my writing and the querying. I should reach 13k words by next week. That is my goal, at least.

Hope you have a good weekend,

