Weekly Update #75

1 minute read

Wow, 75 weekly updates! Who would have thought I would be working at this for so long? Part of me didn’t, and thought that I’d find new employment again. But damn, the market is tough right now! Every job posting on LinkedIn has 100+ (the maximum shown) within an hour. Just insane!! If the choice is spend all my energy praying somebody will notice me or doing something productive and important, then the choice is pretty obvious, let’s be real.

Anyway, happy Saturday. We’re on week two of a three weak stint in F1. This week we’re in Austria at the Red Bull Ring. There was a sprint race today, and after some hairy moments early, Max easily outpaced everyone for the win. In the qualifying session he was like 4/10ths ahead of McClaren, so I guess they fixed their car. We just need Sergio to come back into form now.

Still waiting on most of my agents to write back. I did get one rejection, but that was it. I sent out another in its place. Since nobody is getting back to me, I’ll probably just send a bunch more out, maybe another 10 or so, and see where things stand after that. At the rate things are going, I might be done with my next book by the time I get to 20 rejections (or an acceptance). If that happens I’ll prob just start selling the first one and release the second 3-6 months after. I’ll do some more research on self-marketing too. The more I sell, the easier it will be to find an agent in the future.

Speaking of my actual writing, I stayed on pace again this week. I’m at 31k words (around 120 pages). There are a few story difficulties here and there, mostly because I forgot what I wrote earlier, but honestly it’s no big deal. The details can always be fixed later. It’s the overarching plot that’s the most important thing. I’m amazed I’m already so far into the story. It feels like I just started! But that’s what happens when you remain diligent. If you work at your story every day you can’t help but finish eventually.

Stay cool next week, it’s supposed to be a scorcher!!

