Weekly Update #76

1 minute read

Happy Saturday and happy F1 Silverstone weekend! Track conditions have not been the best so far, and in qualifying we lost Sergio in Q1 when he went into the shoulder and lost control in a puddle. Max also went off in the same place but managed to ride all the way through the gravel and into the spillway, or both RBs would have been out! Yikes! In the end, the qualifying was George, Lewis, Lando, and Max, which also marks the first time the top 3 have been British drivers. Wow! Imagine if George wins two races in a row! Either way, we’re finally getting some competition and not total RB domination, so that’s exciting.

Still waiting on a lot of agents to write back. I did get one response, a rejection, and I sent out a bunch more. Hopefully people will get back to me soon. I’m giving them as long as it takes until my next book is finished before I go it alone. There were a lot of positive news articles this week about authors who have been successful self-publishing, so there’s hope. I just need to find the right combination of marketing and promotion that I can tolerate that gets the word out.

As for my writing, its proceeding on schedule. Currently sitting at 37k words. I would guess I am probably 1/4-1/3 finished. I think it will end up being a bit longer than the previous book, but we’ll see. There’s a lot to say and sometimes not enough.

