Weekly Update #98

less than 1 minute read

Happy Saturday! The frigid fog bank that has been engulfing us seems to be lifting finally. Hopefully things start to warm up again soon!

Well, the college football season has ended and now we are onto the playoffs. This afternoon is Oregon vs Penn State, two teams I can’t stand. I’m hoping they both lose! But otherwise I’m hoping that neither wins overall. Especially Oregon!

Got another rejection this week. Two, actually! It’s amazing to get responses after six months of waiting but I guess that’s how it is.

I made a lot of progress this week and I think things are finally starting to wrap up. I’m doing another read-through now, but mostly just polishing up a few things here and there. There are really only a few sections I’ll need to definitely change, but the changes are minor. A few sentences here and there. Woohoo!

Hope you have a great week!

