Weekly Update #99

less than 1 minute read

Happy Saturday. The rain is back again but it’s a nice change compared to the dense, cold fog. I’m still hoping that we get some snow, even just a little, sometime this winter. There’s still time, but it doesn’t look like it’s in the forecast for Christmas.

Well unfortunately, Oregon won last week. But they beat Penn State, so it’s not all bad. Looking at the playoff bracket, I can’t help but think that Oregon is the clear favorite to win it all. I just don’t see that there’s anyone left who would ever be favored against them. That being said, it’s football and anything could happen.

No rejections this week! (No acceptances either.)

Still working on my editing. This has definitely been the longest period of editing of any of my works, but the end is nearing. I’m doing another read-through right now and things are looking good. I’m halfway through, and after that there are just a few small places where I’ll need to add a few lines to fix things. (I hope!)

Overall I’m really happy with the book which is the only thing that really matters.

