Weekly Update #100

1 minute read

Happy Saturday and happy 100th weekly update to me! Amazing! I don’t think I ever really expected to reach this milestone. One hundred weeks is a long time! But here we are. In another month I’ll reach another milestone too – two years! It’s been a real adventure, especially the last four months of intense editing.

The only question is what comes next! Unfortunately I am not making enough to survive so I’ll have to go and find work again. What does that mean for my writing? Well, I don’t know yet. I still have ideas and a desire to write so I guess I’ll keep going. If whatever new position I get requires a lot of time and energy, then I’ll probably cut back to only 500 words a day. If it’s part time or not stressful, then I’ll stick to 1000. Either way I’m going to keep at it and hope that someday I make enough to live.

On that topic, I got another few rejections this week. I don’t feel bad about leaving this queries out there anymore because I read that the author of The Martian self-published his book on his website before eventually finding a publishing deal.

My writing update is that I’m still editing. It’s been a long haul but it’s getting closer. I know I say that every week but it’s true. I’m on page 350/400 of editing, and while I have made some new notes, they are starting to get very detailed. I think once I finish this I’m going to work on these details and then call it a day. I’ve read through it so many times now and I just have to trust myself that I didn’t miss anything. Hopefully next week I’ll have good news about how close to the end I am.

Have a good week!

