Weekly Update #102
Happy Saturday and Happy New Year! 2025 is finally here and I’m hoping for all the best for myself and everyone else.
I have good news this week: I finally finished my next book! Editing took me about five months, but it’s finally over. Whew! It’s a huge relief. I made the cover and had some proof copies printed, so I’ll have some time to check it out before it releases on Valentine’s Day.
What now? Well, first I’m taking some time off. I’m still going to update my blog but I’m not planning on doing a lot of writing. Maybe some, who knows. I think the only real goal I have from now until Feb. 14th is to decide what book I’m going to work on next. I have some ideas, but I don’t know if they are any good.
Once I can get my act together I’ll start asking around to see if anyone has any jobs, too. Wish me luck!