Weekly Update #104

1 minute read

Happy Saturday! The sun is out (kind of), finally dispelling the fog that settled over us like Sleepy Hollow.

Unrivaled Baskteball started yesterday. If you aren’t in the know, it’s a new 3v3 women’s basketball league. WNBA players don’t make much, so they usually play in the Euro leagues in the off season and this new league is meant to fill that gap. In addition, they’ve changed rules to make the game more exciting. I was a little bit confused when they were trying to explain them on the pregame show, but after watching both games, it’s really just basketball with less fouling. I also like what they’ve done with the fourth quarter. Somebody is guaranteed to win, and there isn’t this ridiculous fouling situation that causes the last 30 seconds to take 30 minutes. Overall I was impressed and I’m excited to watch more.

Also excited for the national championship college football game on Monday. I don’t really like either team, but Oregon isn’t there so it’s all good.

Got another rejection notice this week. Not sure where that brings the overall tally, but probably around 100. At least I’m trying, which is the important part.

Looked at job listings this week, too. They mostly seem to be oriented in one of four categories: accountants, lawyers, mental health professionals, and service workers. They all seem to be related by some underlying theme…

In any case, next week I have to start doing something. I was planning on taking another month off but I’m going stir crazy. I’m going to ask around on Slack and LI for new positions and figure out if my resume is worth a damn. Let’s hope so!

I think I’ve decided on the topic for my next novel as well. Time to do some research and plan the plot. Then we gogogogogogo.

I finished reading Peyton Place by Grace Metalious this week. Published in the early 1950s, the story revolves around the happenings in a small town in the Northeast. By the standards of the time, the events must have been incredibly shocking. It’s still a bit shocking today but with desensitivity and distance less so. It’s at its best when acting as a reality check for a time that’s often heavily romanticized. 8/10

