Weekly Update #47

1 minute read

Happy Saturday and wow, almost Merry Christmas already. I can’t believe how fast the time is passing these days. Pretty soon we’ll be in the New Year and spring will be right around the corner.

It’s a foggy day here and everywhere by the river.

I meant to say last time: congratulations to everyone who participated in NanoWrimo. I had a good time and at least tried to meet some new people. I even did some of the writing sprints. Unfortunately I didn’t make it to any of the in-person events, but that’s ok. I may not have reached the 50k word count, but I did manage to finish and publish my work, so I consider that a win.

As far as my new work, I reached the 15k mark this week. It was pretty slow going overall, but I’m happy with what I completed. I’m doing my best to make it my best work, and I’m going to try something different with it when I finish. Instead of self-publishing it immediately, I’m going to try and find an agent. Last year (my first year writing), I tried to do everything myself, but I’m just not that good at self-promotion. Maybe if I can find an agent I can finally break through! Or maybe not! Who knows!

