Weekly Update #77

1 minute read

Happy Saturday! Based on the national temperature maps, everyone else is baking just like I am. Thankfully, though, the worst of the worst of the heat dome’s effects have dissipated. Instead of temps over 105 degrees, it’s only 90. But hey, I’ll take it.

No F1 this weekend. All the buzz is about whether or not Sergio Perez is actually going to remain as a driver for RB even though he just signed a contract. There’s always a lot of paprazzi drama in this sport so until something is announced, I think basically anything is possible. He certainly hasn’t driven well, so maybe it’s time to find somebody new and let Sergio re-find his mojo with another team. Unfortunately this drama is completely holding up the driver’s market, because they could theoretically cut him and replace him with Carlos Sainz, who is by far the hottest person on the market right now. It’s a mess!!

Still waiting for agents to write back! No updates, except that I’m going to send out five more queries after I finish this post.

I reached 43k words in my new book (the sequel to the unpublished book I’m trying to sell to agents). Things are going alright overall. The story has definitely led me into topics and places I hadn’t really planned on but still make sense, so I may end up revising some of the earlier part of the work during the editing process. For the first book, I knew where it started and where it ended, but for this book, I only had the ending specified ahead of time. It was a little unclear for me where to start, although I had some ideas already. Now that the story is becoming more clarified, it’s easier to see what I should have done (and what I will do).

Long story short, the book will be great (just like the first one).

