Weekly Update #94
Happy Saturday! The sun is shining (for now)!
It was a tough week! Rejections from agents and… yeah. But life goes on.
My writing continued on its normal pace. I’m in the part of the book that I knew would be the most difficult to edit and it is a real slog lemme tell you. There are a lot of details I need to keep straight and sometimes I have to go back and reread previous sections to make sure I didn’t screw anything up. It’s a great learning experience, though. In the future I’ll definitely be trying not to make things quite so interconnected. I’m not sorry I wrote it this way; if I hadn’t ever tried, I’d never know!
Currently I’m around pg 240/420, so I should be finished with this draft in a couple of weeks. I seem to have about as many notes on this draft as I did the first draft, so there shall be another round of editing after no doubt.
But the light is shining on my work like the sun is shining on the Earth!