Weekly Update #96
Happy Saturday! We had some long days of rain but it seems like the worst is over for now. Apparently there was a bomb cyclone off the coast (far off) that was causing the high winds and rain. We had some weather alerts for gusts up to 60mph but it never panned out (thankfully).
F1 is in Las Vegas this weekened. The season has really been dragging on and to be honest my interest has been waning. The drama has been great, but there are just too many races for me. I’ll try to catch it though. The course goes around the sphere which shows the drivers and the results. Pretty cool.
Got another rejection letter this week. Too bad but it’s what it is.
I finished up the third draft and started working on the fourth. All of my notes are organized and now I’m attacking every category of problem one by one. I’m trying to do one every day, so if all goes well I should finish in a week or two. At that point I’ll do one more read-through and that should be it.
Still planning on releasing the book on Valentine’s Day.
Hope you have a great week!